The story behind the painting

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All teams need to watch the 3D video on Guernica created for the University of Georgia by Lena Gieseke

  1.  Repoters' Team. Study all the information from your Students' Book (including the listening section - the link to the digital book is given above) and anything you find useful on Wikipedia and then create your text written or in audio form (no more than 3 minutes). Rememer you are newpaper reporters and are talking or writing about the histical event that inspired Picasso to paint "Guernica".
  2. Picasso's Team. Study all the information given above (Think Teen 2nd Grade Studen't Book, Wikipedia and Reina Sofia Museum Web page). Imagine you are Pablo Picasso and need to describe and talk about your painting and why you painted it. What do you want to shoe the world? Create a written text or an audio file narrating your story (no more than three minutes).
  3. Museum Visitor's Team: Study all the information given above (Think Teen 2nd Grade Studen't Book, Wikipedia and Reina Sofia Museum Web page). Imagine you are visitors at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid and are standing in front of the painting. Create a written text or an audio file narrating your story (no more than three minutes).Describe what you see and how the painting makes you feel.


Good Luck teams!