Oliver Twist: Fact or Fiction?

Το στοιχείο που ζητήσατε δεν μπορεί να προβληθεί


The evaluation of your work will be done both as a group and as individuals.

As an individual, you will be assessed by the other members of your group in terms of contributions, working with others, time-management, focus on the task, attitude and problem-solving ability. For an accurate evaluation of other members, but also of yourself, open the file 'Individual Collaboration Assessment' and check yourselves as you work.

As a group, you will assess yourselves, but I will also assess you, on the criteria of completeness, accuracy, quality and content of your notetaking ability and completeness, writing, mechanics and content of your Infographic. For an accurate evaluation of your group, open the file 'Group Self-assessment' and check yourselves as a group as you work.